
A:I'd like to try this on, please. Where is the fitting room?我想试试这件。试衣间在哪儿?

B:This way, please.请这边走。

A:How do I look in this skirt, Gucci? Am I Spice Girl, or what?我看起来怎么样,古奇?像不像辣妹啊?

B:No, you look ridiculous. I suggest you try some other colors.不像,你看上去真滑稽。我建议你试一试别的颜色。

A:OK, I will try on that green one. …Now, how do I look?好吧,我试试那件绿的。我现在看起来呢?

B:You look like a Christmas tree. Why not try on the red one?你看上去像棵圣诞树。干嘛不试试那件红色的?

A:But red doesn't go with my green sweater.但是红色跟我的绿毛衣不配啊。

B:It surely does. Trust me, red is the global fashion now.当然配啦。相信我吧,红色是现在全球流行的颜色。

A:All right, I will try on the red one. …Now, what do you think?好吧,我就试试那件红色的。现在你觉得呢?


A:But I feel I look like a pepper in green and red.但我感觉穿得又红又绿像个辣椒。

B:That makes you a Spice Girl.那样你才是辣妹啊。

A:Don't be kidding! Anyway I will take this one.别开玩笑了!不过,这件我买了。

B:Thank you. I will wrap it up for you. You can pay at the front counter. It's 500 yuan.谢谢。我帮您包好。您可以到前台去付款。一共500块。
