生活口语:转学原因why did you transfer

A:Are you new to this school?你是这学校的新生吗?

B:Yes, I’m new.是的,我是新来的。

A:Is this your first year in college?这是你大学第一年吗?

B:I transferred from another school.我是从其他学校转来的。

A:Where did you transfer from?你从哪里转来的?

B:I was at PCC before.我以前在PCC。

A:Why did you transfer?你为什么转学呢?

B:I was going to go here first, but my grades weren’t good enough.我最初是该到这里的,但是我的分数不够。

A:Did you like it at PCC?你喜欢在PCC吗?

B:PCC is an incredible school.PCC是个很不错的学校。

A:Well, I wish you luck here.哦,我祝你在这儿好运。

B:I’m sure I’ll like it here.相信我会喜欢这里的。
