生活口语:我想要注册下学期的课程 Registering

A:Excuse me? Is this where I register? I’d like to sign up for my courses for next semester.打扰下,请问这里是登记处吗?我想要注册下学期的课程。

B:Yes, of course. I need your student ID please.是的。我需要你的学生号。

A:Here you are.给你.

B:Okay, Susan. It says here that you are a business major and you are in your second year. Is this information correct?好的,苏珊。你是商业专业的学生,现在读大二。这个信息正确吗?

A:Yes. I do want to take some additional credits this year to get a minor in psychology.正确。我今年想要多得一些学分来副修心理。

B:Sure. That’s not a problem. Do you have the list of courses you want to take this semester?没问题。你有这学期要学的课程名单吗?

A:Yeah. Here’s my list. I’m not sure if the class schedule will allow me to take all of them though.这是名单。我不确定课程表是否允许我修所有的课程。

B:Yeah, that’s perfect. What about the subjects for your minor?很不错。你的副修课目是什么?

A:Oh yeah! Almost forgot! I need to take fundamental linguistics, consumer psychology and neuroanatomy.我几乎忘了。我需要学基本语言学,消费心理学和神经解剖学。

B:Wow, you are going to be busy this semester! Okay, here you go. You are registered now, you’ll have to make your first tuition payment before classes start.那你这学期可要忙了。那就这样。你已经登完记了。在学课程前你必须先将学费付了。
