
A:I'm going to look for some reference books, newspapers and periodicals. Can we meet at the counter in 2 hours?我去找一些参考书、报纸和周刊。我们两个小时后在借书处见可以吗?

B:OK, honey!好的,亲爱的。

A:Your admission card, please.请给我你的借书卡。

B:Here you are.给你。

A:Sorry, newspapers and periodicals are not for circulation.对不起,报纸和周刊是不外借的。

B:OK, if I want to read them, what should I do?好的,那如果是我要看怎么办呢?

A:You can read them only in one of our reading rooms.只能够在我们的阅览室阅读。

B:All right.好的。

A:Are those books yours?这些书都是你的吗?

B:Yes, these are my father's books.是的,这些都是我爸爸的。

A:OK, that's done. Please check your record and deadline in the computer over there.好了,办完了。请去那边的电脑查询你的记录和书到期的时间。

