
A:This is my admission card, and these are the books .这是我的借书卡,这些是书。

B:OK, a moment, please.好的,请等一下。

A:By the way, can I renew the borrowing?顺便问一下,我能续借吗?

B:For which one?借哪一本呢?

A:Sense and Sensibility, English version.理智与情感,英文版的。

B:Yes, of course.可以,当然可以。

A:Can I just do it here?那我就在这儿续借可以吗?

B:Sorry. No. You should go to the other counter.对不起,不行。你要到那边的那个柜台去。

A:OK, thanks.好的,谢谢。

B:Sorry, this biography is over the deadline. You should pay extra for it.不好意思,这本自传已经超过了期限。你得付超期的钱。

A:I was thinking of buying this from the bookstore when my father got this from the library…anyway, how much should I pay?我爸爸从图书馆借回来的时候我就觉得他还不如去买一本……不管怎么样,我该付多少钱?

B:3 Yuan, please.3块钱。

A:Here you are. Thanks.给你。谢谢。

B:You are welcome. See you next time.不用谢。下次见。
