
A:What's good today?今天什么好吃?

B:The salmon is good toady, it's very fresh.今天的鲑鱼很好,很新鲜。

A:How is it done?你们的鲑鱼怎么做的?

B:It's cooked with lemon and savored with rice.柠檬汁煎鲑鱼,有附白饭。

A:Sound nice, I will try it.听起来不错,我试试。

B:Your meal also include soup and salad.你的餐有附汤和色拉。

A:What's the soup of the day?今天的浓汤有什么?

B:French onion soup, sir, what dressing would you like for your salad?法式洋葱汤,您的色拉要哪种酱?

A:Thousand Island, please.千岛酱,谢谢!
