生活口语:转学原因what made you transfer

A:Are you new here?你是新来的吗?

B:This is my first day here.这是我来这里的第一天。

A:Are you a freshman in college?你是大一新生吗?

B:I started school somewhere else.我之前是在别的学校。

A:What school did you transfer from?你从什么学校转来的?

B:I started at PCC.我以前是在PCC上学。

A:What made you transfer?什么原因让你转学的?

B:My grades weren’t good enough to go here.我的分数不够上这学校。

A:Did you like PCC?你喜欢PCC吗?

B:I loved PCC.我很爱PCC。

A:Good luck here.祝你在这儿好运。

B:I’m excited to be here.我很高兴能来到这里。
