
A:You ready?你准备好了?

B:Am I ready for what?我准备好什么?

A:Are you ready to transfer to a new school tomorrow?你准备好明天转到新学校吗?

B:Oh. Yes, I’m ready to transfer.噢,是的,我准备好转学了。

A:You’re not nervous, are you?你不紧张是吗?

B:I’m very nervous.我非常紧张。

A:Why are you nervous?你为什么紧张?

B:I’m not going to know anybody there.那儿的人我都不认识。

A:That’s not a problem.这不是问题。

B:That makes me nervous.这让我觉得紧张。

A:It’s fun meeting new people.结实新朋友是高兴的事。

B:I didn’t think about it that way.我认为不是那样。
