
A:hi, Charlie! What are you reading?嗨,查理!你在看什么书?

B:hi, bob. I’m reading a biography?嗨,鲍勃。我在读一本自传。

A:who’s it about?是写谁的?

B:it’s about bob Dylan.是关于鲍勃•迪伦的。

A:who is he?他是谁?

B:he’s a famous American musician.他是美国的一位著名音乐家。

A:who’s the author?谁写的啊?

B:it was written by howard sounes.是哈沃德•桑斯写的。

A:what do you think about it?你觉得怎么样?

B:it’s great! I’ve learned a lot form reading it.很棒!我从中学到了不少东西呢。

A:can I read it when you’re done?你看完后能借我读一下吗?

B:sure, bob! I’m on chapter 12 now, so I’m almost finished.当然了,鲍勃!我正在读第12章,快读完了。

A:how many chapters does the book have?这本书分几章啊?

B:there are 15 chapters in total.总共15章。

A:when do you think you’ll have finished reading it?你觉得大概什么时候能读完?

B:I should be done by Friday. I’ll give it to you in class then.差不多星期五吧。我会在上课的时候给你。

A:thanks. Charlie!谢谢啦,查理!

B:no problem. Bob.不客气。鲍勃。
