
A:Could you please help me to check out the book?你能帮我查一本书吗?

B:Sure, what's the author's name, please.当然可以啊,请告诉我作者的名字。

A:I can't remember that clearly. It probably be Charles…我记得不太清楚了。好像是查尔斯……

B:Charles Dickens?查尔斯?狄更斯吗?

A:No, no, no. I'm not interested in literature.不不不,我对文学不是很感兴趣。

B:OK, do you know the title of the book?好,那你知道书名吗?

A:Oh, sorry. I'm always absent-minded. I remember that I've put a note in my pocket.对不起,我总是很健忘。我记得我放了个便条在我的口袋里。

B:So, show me the note please.那把便条给我看看。

A:I can't find it now.我现在找不到了。

B:Oh, such bad luck, sir. Can you please name the category of the book?那真是倒霉啊,先生。那你知道书是哪一类的吗?

A:Let me see. It's not fiction. It's biography.让我想想啊,不是科幻小说。是自传。

B:OK, I'll search it for you. A moment, please.好的,我帮你搜索一下。请等一会儿。

