
A:What do you do in your free time, Nancy?你平时闲暇时都做些什么,南希?

B:Well, I like playing the violin.嗯,我喜欢拉小提琴。

A:Really? How long have you been playing the violin?是吗?你拉小提琴多久了?

B:About ten years so far. I started learning when I was in middle school.到目前大约有1O年了,我上中学就开始学了。

A:That's really interesting.真有趣。

B:Sure. So what about you? Do you have any hobbies?那你呢?你有没有什么爱好?

A:Well, I like collecting matchbox! I'm not sure if that counts, though.嗯,我喜欢收集火柴盒!不过我不确定那算不算爱好。

B:Of course it does. Everybody has his own hobby.当然算了,每个人有不同的爱好。
