生活口语:在舞厅At the balling

A:You must like to dance, right.你一定很喜欢跳舞,是吧。

B:I'd love to. Do you often come here to dance?喜欢。你经常在这儿跳吗?

A:Yes, I like the old style dance, such as waltz、rumba and so on. They are quite graceful.对啊,我喜欢老式舞蹈,像华尔兹、伦巴等等。它们跳起来很优雅。

B:You are waltzing quite wonderfully. It's great to dance with a experience and talent partner.你的华尔兹跳得很棒。跟一位经验丰富熟练的搭档跳舞真是太棒了。

A:Thank you for saying. I think you are light on your toes too. Oh, the music starts again,would you like to have another dance,miss?谢谢你这么说。你的舞步也很轻盈。哦,音乐又起了,能再请你跳支舞吗,小姐?

B:Ok, that would be great. Do you like mordern dance?I don't care for it.好吧,我愿意。你喜欢现代舞吗?不我太喜欢。

A:Neither do I. I don't like any kind of mordern dances all.我也不喜欢。我一点儿都不喜欢现代舞。
