
A:So, Karen, what do you do in your free time?所以,Karen,你平时都做些什么消遣?

B:Well, I like to play the piano.恩,我喜欢弹钢琴。

A:Really?How long have you been playing piano?真的?你钢琴弹多久了?

B:About 18 years, I started learning when I was a kid.大约有18年了,我小的时候就开始学了。

A:That’s really interesting, you have to play for me some time.真有趣,哪天一定得听你弹弹。

B:Sure, so, what about you? Do you have any hobbies?没问题!那你呢?你有没有什么嗜好?

A:Well, I collect beer mats. I’m not sure that counts, though.恩,我收集啤酒杯垫,不过我不确定那算不算嗜好。
