
A:Are you ready to go shopping?你准备好要去血拼了吗?

B:Not yet. I'm not finished with my research yet.还没。我的研究还没做完。

A:What research?什么研究?

B:Reading my fashion magazines! How do you think I know so much about all the latest trends?看我的流行杂志!你以为我是怎么知道这么多最新流行信息的?

A:But they're just ads...它们不过都是些广告……

B:Duh...That's the point. The people in the ads are wearing what's in. Plus, there are articles on new trends...蠢……这就是重点。广告里的人穿的都是最流行的。此外还有报导最新流行的文章……
