
A:Hey, May, look, Is that the the poster of the movie we saw yesterday?嗨,阿美,你看,那是我们昨天看的那个电影的海报吗?

B:Yes, that's right. That's the poster of the The Witch.是的,那是女巫的海报。

A:May, I really regret watching it with you last night.阿美,我真后悔昨晚跟你一起看女巫。

B:Did it scare you?它吓到你了吗?

A:Of course not. I just thought the movie was…boring.当然不是啦。我只觉得那电影……很无聊。

B:Boring? Come on, you clutched to my arm all the time.无聊?得了吧,你一直抓着我的胳膊呢。

A:Well, I admit. The ghosts were scary.好吧,我承认。那些鬼很吓人。

B:I like scary movies.我喜欢恐怖电影。

A:That's Gucci's influence. I love science fiction movies!那都是受了古奇的影响。我喜欢看科幻电影!

B:Of course you do. They are silly stories just for little kids like you.你当然喜欢啦。它们都是些适合像你这样的小孩的幼稚电影。

A:Don't call me kid. I am a grownup.别叫我小孩。我是大人了。

B:Do you dare watch scary movies with me tonight?那你今晚敢跟我看恐怖电影吗?

A:Of course! I can watch them without you!当然啦!我敢一个人看。

B:Oh, really?哦,是吗?
