
A:You are too picky.你太挑剔了啦。

B:No, I'm not.Hey, look at that guy over there.才没有。你看那边那个人。

A:Which guy?哪一个?

B:The guy in the blue shirt at the table by the window.靠窗那一桌,穿著蓝色 T 恤的那个人。

A:I can't see him. Where?我没看到,在哪?

B:Right there.在那里。

A:Oh, I see him now. Wait! That's...喔,我看到了。等等,那不是...

B:Yes, it's Mel Gibson.没错,是梅尔.吉布森。

A:Oh, wow! It's really him! Who is that woman he's with?哇,真的是他!和他在一起的女生是谁?

B:I don't know. Why don't you go ask for his autograph?不知道。去找他签名啊?

A:I can't do that.我不敢!

B:Why not?为什么呢?
