生活口语:打冰球Playing ice hockey

A:Hey John, nice skates. Are they new?你好,约翰,冰鞋真漂亮。新的吗?

B:Yeah, I just got them. I started playing ice hockey in a community league. So, I finally got myself new skates.是呀,我刚买的。我开始在一个社团打冰球。所以,终于给自己买了一双新的冰鞋。

A:What position do you play?你打什么位置?

B:I’m a defender. It’s a lot of fun. You don’t have to be able to skate as fast on defense.打后卫。真是很有趣。而且打后卫溜冰速度不用很快。

A:Yeah, you’re a pretty big guy. I play goalie, myself.是的,你是个大块头,我是守门员。

B:Oh, yeah? Which team?噢,是吗?哪一个队?

A:The Rockets.火箭队的。

B:Really? I think we play you guys next week. Well, I have to go to practice. See you later.真的吗?我想下个星期是我们和你们比赛,好了,我要去练习了,以后见。

A:All right, see you later.好的,再见。
