
A:Hello, ladies. I'm firing up the grill. We can eat in an hour or so.哈啰,小姐们。我正在生火。我们过一小时左右就可以吃了。

B:Chips, finger foods, desserts, baked beans. Where're the pork and beef strips?洋芋片、小零嘴、点心、焗豆。猪肉和牛肉片呢?

A:Yi-jun, we're in the States. Here it's all burgers, steaks, and dogs.怡君,我们是在美国。这里全都是汉堡肉、牛排和热狗。

B:Ah...hence the buns and condiments we bought. And this is Holly's potato salad.啊……怪不得我们带这些圆面包和辛香料来。这是荷莉做的马铃薯沙拉。

A:You can put stuff on the picnic table. Back to work. The grill is calling me...你可以把东西放在野餐桌上。回去干活啰。烤肉炉在呼唤了……

B:Let me know if I can help.要我帮忙就别客气喔.
