
A:Does anyone need a drink?有谁想喝饮料?

B:I'll take one. How's the cooler situation?我要来一瓶。冰桶里目前情况如何?

A:It's still stocked, and there's plenty of ice. Here you are-cheers!里面还是装得满满的,还有很多冰块。给你——干杯!

B:Cheers. You guys didn't drive, did you?干杯。你们没开车吧?

A:No, we walked. Why, do you need us to carry some stuff home later?没,我们走来的。怎样,你要我们待会拿些东西回家吗?

B:No, it's just that it's a holiday. With everyone out partying, there's a lot of drunk driving.不是,只是因为今天是假日。大家都出外聚会玩乐,很多人酒后驾车.
