
A:But this place doesn't feel like a forty-ping apartment.不过这间公寓不像有四十坪大。

B:Well, it's forty pings including the balcony. See. It's huge.嗯,四十坪还包括阳台在内。看。很大吧。

A:Oh! The view is great! Mountains, fresh air! Stars?噢!视野真好!有山,有新鲜空气!还看 得到星星?

B:This balcony is perfect for barbecuing.这个阳台最适合烤肉了。

A:And we could get a dog!我们可以养只狗!

B:I'm sorry. No pets are allowed in this apartment building, except fish.对不起。这栋公寓大楼不准养宠物,鱼除 外。

A:Well, fish it will be then.嗯,那就养鱼吧。
