支付条款 Terms of Payment

Brief Introduction

目前,国际贸易中常用的付款方式( payment terms)有:汇付(Remittance)、托收(Collection )、信用证(Letter of Cred it)三种方式。大金额交易时主要是用到信用证,小买卖当然是用托收和汇付来完成。

作为国际结算中的一个重要组成部分,对外贸易货款的支付一般是利用汇票这种支付凭据通过银行进行的。汇票中的跟单汇票(Documentary Draft)是对外贸易中最常用的一种支付工具。汇票按付款时间的不同,分为即期汇票和远期汇票两种。

Basic Expressions

1. Our terms of payment are by a confirmed irrevocable letter of credit by draft at sight.


2. Since the total amount is so big and the world monetary market is rather unstable at the moment, we can not ac cept any terms of payment other than a Letter of Credit.

因为这次交易额大,而且目前国际金融市场很不稳定,所以我们除 接受信用证付款外,不能接受别的付款方式。

3. We would suggest that for this particular order you let us have a D/D, on receipt of which we shall ship the goods on the first available steamer.

此次订货,我们建议你们使用即期汇票。收到该汇票后,我们将把 货物装上第一条可定到的船。

4. In order to conclude the business, I hope you'll meet me half way. What about 50% by L/C and the balance by D/P?

为了做成这批生意,希望双方都各让步一半。百分之五十以信用证 付款,百分之五十按付款交单怎么样?

5. For such a large amount, a L/C is costly. Besides, it ties up my money. All this adds to my cost.

开这样大数额的信用证,费用很大,再说资金也要积压,这些都要 使成本增加。

6. I'd like to discuss the terms of payment with you. I won der if you would accept D/P.


7. Since we are old friends, I suppose D/P or D/A should be adopted this time as the mode of payment.


8. As we must adhere to our customary practice, we hope that you will not think us unaccommodating.

由于我们必须坚持我们的一贯做法,我们希望你不要认为我们是不 肯通融的。

9. We regret we cannot accept Cash Against Documents On Arrival Of Goods At Destination.


10. We wish to reiterate that it is only in view of our long and friendly business relations that we extend you this accommodation.


11. We have instructed our bank to open an irrevocable documentary letter of credit in your favor. The amount is $ 1,300.00.

我们已通知我方银行开立以你方为受益人的、不可撤消的、跟单信 用证,其金额为一千三百美金。

12. We'd like you to accept D/P for this transaction and future ones.


13. Your proposal for payment by time draft for Order No.1 is accept- able to us.


14. We shall draw on you at 60 days sight the goods have been shipped. Please honor our draft when it falls due.

货物装运后,我们将向你方开出见票六十天内付款的汇票,请到期 即付。

15. The bank has just advised us that our Draft No.2 was de clined (rejected, refused)。


16. Under the installment plan, 20% of the contract value is to be paid with orders.


17. Please indicate that the L/C is negotiable in our country.


18. We shall open an irrevocable letter of credit in your favor, pay able in Hong Kong against shipping documents.

我方将开立以你方为受益人的、不可撤消的信用证,在香港付款交 单。

19. Your request for D/P payment has been considered and we agree to grant you this facility.


20. The time draft is to be countersigned by the Bank of Hong Kong, certifying that your signature is true and valid.



Dialogue 1

W: Well, we've settled the question of price, quality and quantity. Now what about the terms of payment?

B: We only accept payment by irrevocable letter of credit payable against shipping documents.

W: I see. Could you make an exception and accept D/A or D/P?

B: I'm afraid not. We insist on a letter of credit.

W: To tell you the truth, a letter of credit would increase the cost of my import. When I open a letter of credit with a bank, I have to pay a deposit. That'll tie up my money and increase my cost.

B: Consult your bank and see if they will reduce the required deposit to a minimum.

—— 好吧,既然价格、质量和数量问题都已谈妥,现在来谈谈付款方式 怎么样?

—— 我们只接受不可撤消的、凭装运单据付款的信用证。

—— 我明白。你们能不能破例接受承兑交单或付款交单?

—— 恐怕不行,我们是坚决要求采用信用证付款。

—— 老实说,信用证会增加我方进口货的成本。要在银行开立信用证,我得付一笔押金。这样会占压我的资金,因而会增加成本。

—— 你和开证行商量一下,看他们能否把押金减少到最低限度。

W: Still, there will be bank charges in connection with the credit. It would help me greatly if you would accept D/A or D/P. You can draw on me just as if there were a letter of credit. It makes no great difference to you, but it does to me.

B: Well, Mrs. Wang, you must be aware that an irrevocable letter of cred it gives the exporter the additional protection of the bank er's guarantee. We always require L/C for our exports. And the other way round, we pay by L/C for our imports.

W: To meet you half way, what do you say if 50% by L/C and the balance by D/P?

B: I'm very sorry, Mrs. Wang. But I'm afraid I can't promise you even that. As I’ve said, we require payment by L/C.

—— 即便那样,开立信用证还是要支付银行手续费。假如你能接受承兑 交单或付款交单,这就帮我大忙了。你就当作是信用证一样向我开 汇票。这对你来说区别不大,但是对我来说就大不一样了。

—— 王小姐,你应该也知道,不可撤消的信用证给出口商增加了银行的 担保。我们出口一向要求采用信用证;反过来讲,我们进口也是信 用证付款。

—— 我们都各让一步吧,货价的百分之五十用信用证,其余的采用付款 交单,你看怎么样?

—— 对不起,王小姐。即便那样,我恐怕也不能答应。我都说过了,我 们要求用信用证付款。

