
What would you say when you are under work pressure,“stressed out and frantic1)”or“challenged and energized2)”?There's very little physiological difference between the two,says a growing contingent3) of experts who claim work stress has an upside.These experts believe that stress can strengthen you or tear you down.In most cases,you can choose.The following are 8 ways to perform better under pressure suggested by the experts.

Give stress a good name Why resent work stress——it's an indicator that your career is advancing.Think of a heavy work load as an exciting opportunity to push yourself,learn new skills and show your mettle.Complaining depletes your energy;instead greet an overloaded4) day with optimism.Tell yourself,“This is a challenge I am capable of handling.”

Put it in perspective Sometimes it's impossible to talk about the positive side of stress——say your computer crashes and you lose valuable work——but you can moderate your reaction.Rate your distress on a scale of1to 10,1being mild irritation and 10extreme panic or anger.Now,rank the importance of the situation from 1(a notice)to 10(you're fired)。If your distress ranks higher than the seriousness of the situation,ask yourself:Is this something I will remember in four years,four months,four days?Then downshift your response accordingly,saving your emotional energy for disasters.

Alternate tasks Blocking out an entire day or week for a high-priority project increases your anxiety without boosting your productivity——in fact,you may lose perspective and focus.You need to create a rhythm to your work to recharge.Every 60to 90minutes,take a break from your primary activity and do something different for15minutes.If you've been reading at your desk,walk into someone's office to brainstorm on another project.Don't worry about breaking your concentration.You'll return to your task refreshed and determined.

Shake a leg Regular exercise is critical to stress management,and mini workouts during the day can release pent-up5) energy.Most people tend to neglect some exercise which you can actually do everyday,such as walk to your or someone's office instead of taking the elevator;stand up and stretch your back and neck muscles while you are on the phone,and so on.

Straighten up your desk Rearranging pencils may not be a form of procrastination6) after all.It has been proved that tiding your desk is one of the most common,and effective,ways workers calm and focus themselves.Organizing helps people reduce tension and get into a productive frame of mind.

Refuel Tempted to skip meals and pull late nights when you feel the heat at work?Both could lead to burnout.Get six to eight hours of sleep,and go to bed at the same hour every night.Avoid bi g meals but munch high-carbon,low-fat snacks every few hours.Lay off the alcohol,which can disturb your sleep patterns.

Tackle your fears Pressure doesn't paralyze you,fear does.Often,your stress comes from worrying rather than from the work assignment or problem you're grappling with.Itemize every element of a project that has you scared.Are you worried about a presentation because you've never spoken in front of a group of people,you don't know what to wear and the slide projector isn't working correctly?Write down these fears and methodically address each one.

Spend time with your friends During high-pressure periods,don't lock yourself in a room with your work.Socializing with friends and colleagues,getting together with people who make you laugh and change your perspective,will revitalize and inspire you.You want positive social support,so offer your friends progress reports and ask them for feedback7),solution and encouragement.


为压力正名 为什么怨恨压力————它实际是在表明你的事业有了进展。应视重任在身为难得的机会:推动你前行,掌握新技能,表现自己的勇气。抱怨会耗尽你的精力;应以乐观的态度迎接超负荷的每一天。告诉自己:“这是一个我有能力应付的挑战。”

要有分寸感 有时谈压力积极的一面是不可能的——比如说,你的电脑坏了,你丢失了重要资料——但你能够控制你的反应。将你的苦恼分为1至10个等级,1级是轻度的急躁,而10级是极度的慌乱或愤怒。然后再把局势的严重性分成1级(得到一份通知)至10级(你被解雇)。如果你对你的痛苦的打分高于你对局势的严重性的打分,你该扪心自问:对这件事我4年后、4个月后或是4天后是否仍会耿耿于怀?然后相应地将你对你自己的反应的打分调低,从而将自己的情感能量留到日后去应付灾难。

交替工作 整整一天乃至整整一周马不停蹄地只忙于一件第一优先的工作而别的什么都不干,只会加剧你的紧张情绪,而不能让你多出活儿——事实上你很可能看不到各项工作之间的相互关系及焦点所在。你需要为自己的工作创造一种节奏以不断给自己充电。每1小时至1个半小时后,就应从主要工作中抽身出来放松一下,用15分钟做点别的什么事情。如果你一直伏案阅读,就去另一同事的办公室为另一计划想些点子。不必担心这样会打断你的注意力。回到办公桌后你会感到精神焕发,干劲十足。

活动活动 经常性的体育锻炼对控制压力十分重要,而每天点点滴滴的体育活动也可以释放被抑制的能量。大多数人往往忽视了那些实际上你每天都可以做的活动,比如说,不乘电梯而是步行去自己或他人的办公室;打电话时站起身来同时伸展一下背部和颈部肌肉,等等。

收拾整理办公桌 重新安排文具用品也许并非什么浪费时间之举。业已证明整理办公桌是工作人员用来镇静自己,集中精力的最普通最有效的方法之一。整理办公桌之类的活动能帮助你缓解紧张,并使你事半功倍。

加油 工作高压使你想要废寝忘食以挤出时间?这两件事都只会使你精疲力竭。每天保证6至8小时的睡眠,且每晚同一时间就寝。避免大吃大喝,但每隔几小时吃一些高碳水化合物低脂肪的食品。不要喝酒,那东西会搅乱你的睡眠规律。

克服恐惧 压力不会使你瘫痪,但恐惧却能把你压垮。你的压力常常源于忧虑而非你的工作任务或你正设法应付的问题。详细列出某一工作项目中令你紧张的每一细节。你担心你的口头报告是因为你从未在一群人面前发过言?你不知道该穿些什么?幻灯机无法正常工作?把这些担忧写下来并逐一予以解决。

花时间与朋友在一起 在压力重重的日子里,不要把自己锁起来埋头苦干。和朋友、同事交往,与那些能让你欢笑、能改变你看法的人聊一聊,那样会使你恢复活力,信心倍增。你需要有力的外界支持,所以向你的朋友们谈谈你的工作进展情况,征求他们的意见,寻求解决问题的办法,寻求他们的鼓励。

