
Zhang Hai: Good morning Mr Mo, it's a pleasure to meet you again.

张海: 早上好,莫先生,我很荣幸再见到您。

Mo: Nice to see you, if you work hard,skys the limits here.

莫: 很高兴见到你,好的开始是成功的一半。希望你前途无量。

Zhang Hai: Thanks, shall I meet my colleagues?

张海: 谢谢,我能见见同事吗?

Mo: Sure, come with me.

莫: 当然可以,跟我来。

Mo: Yi Di, I would like you to meet our new comer, Zhang Hai, he just graduated from Qinghua University.


Yi Di: Nice to meet you.

易迪: 很高兴见到你。

Zhang Hai: I am new to the working world and would appreciate your guidance.

张海: 我没有什么工作经验,请你多指教。

Yi Di: That's all right, I will try my best to assist if you need any help.

易迪: 别客气,如果需要帮忙,我会尽力的。

Zhang Hai: Great!

张海: 太好了。

Mo: Well, as other guys are still not in, I'll introduce you to them later.

莫: 其他人还没来,我晚些时候介绍给你。

Zhang Hai: All right.

张海: 好的。

