船主与漆工The owner and the painters

Everyone has his own vision, the pursuit of "mining Ju tori, the leisurely to see the mountain" indifference; and modern human pursuit of status, money, power, intrigue, fight both with open and secret means. Is the greedy desires, is engulfed the soul of the people. Imperceptibly, various civilizations virtue has been away from us.

In life, some of us very easy thing, but it can give great help to others. Some people are very selfish, they don't have the strength, even though those small lift a finger.

A few days ago in the evening, I walk in the city streets. Here at night, flashing neon lights, traffic and people make this city is very lively and bustling. At this time, there is a cleaner came to a well-dressed lady, the lady had a green tea bottle. In fact, the woman can put green tea bottle hands hand cleaners, such not only can reduce the cleaner's tired, but also can narrow the distance between people. But even cleaner in front of her, she threw the bottle on the ground. Cleaner said nothing, just hard to bend over to pick up, continue to move forward, looking for garbage. See this scene, I was very angry, thinking: if the woman standing in front of a leader, he still dare to throw garbage? Bully the weak and fear the strong. False. Besides, put the bottle to the cleaners, easy, lift a finger, not dry, it should be for all the people despise her!

I can not help but think of such a story: a painter to paint the owner please ship home, painter in painting and found a hole in the ship, then repaired, and the work take only brush paint. A few days later, the captain took the money to the painters thanks. The owner said: "this money is to thank you to my boat up, please." Painter said: "this lift a finger, not the money." The captain said: "I know a hole in the boat, but I didn't think my son drove the boat went sailing. I think he will not come back, and now he has come back safely. In order to repay you for saving, this money, you must accept." Painter Ao however the owner, also had to accept it. The story of the painter's lift a finger, for the good of others, don't forget honour at the prospect of profits, the owner gratitude, both of which are worth learning.

The other day a neighbor to sweep the floor, by the way the front of our house to sweep clean. I smiled at her and said: "thank you ah!" She said: "what ah, lift a finger!" In order to thank her, my mother gave me some of their own kinds of vegetables to the neighbor. Although there are some simple words, not expensive gifts, but in return, is that money can't buy love.

To each one of us off the cold, evil mask, embrace the world with one of the most authentic self, and reached the holy water, repentance. Use both hands to help others; to strive to capture the world; true, goodness, beauty. The value of a man is not in what he claims, but in what he gives. We wish everyone can learn to sacrifice for the good of others, to help others, learn to gratitude,; let the captain and the painter became the epitome of every one of us!

