
  (三)名词性从句中的虚拟语气 1)The doctor advised that Mr.Malan _____ an operation right away so as to save his life.(1998.6)


  B.was going to


  D.would have

  2)His mother insisted that he _____ the coat when going out.(1999.6)

  A.put on

  B.puts on

  C.to put

  D.putting on

  3)Peter wishes that he _____ law instead of literature when he was in college.(2000.6)

  A.could study


  C.had studied

  D.would study

  4)It is desirable that he _____ .(2000.6)

  A.gives up trying

  B.give up trying

  C.would give up trying

  D.is going to give up trying

  5)I am too busy these days.I would rather all of you _____ next month for a dinner.(2002.6)


  B.would come


  D.have come

  6)The general's command is that the soldiers _____ their fort and carry out more important tasks.(2002.6)

  A.would leave



  D.have left

  7)It's urgent that a meeting _____ before the final decision is made.(2003.4)

  A.will be arranged

  B.must be arranged

  C.be arranged

  D.would be arranged

  8)Let's finished our homework in a few seconds; it's time we _____ .

  A.played football

  B.will play football

  C.play football

  D.are playing football

  9)It's vital that enough money _____ collected to get the project started.



  C.must be

  D.can be




  ① 表示"命令""建议"或"要求"的动词后面的宾语从句中用should + 原形动词,should可以省略。常用于该句型的动词有direct, order, command, require, ask, request, demand, insist, suggest, recommend, advise等。

  这里句型的考题中,一般都会有would, must等干扰项,正确选项以省略should者居多,如1)和2)。

  1)The doctor advised that Mr.Malan _____ an operation right away so as to save his life.(1998.6)


  B.was going to


  D.would have


  2)His mother insisted that he _____ the coat when going out.(1999.6)

  A.put on

  B.puts on

  C.to put

  D.putting on


  并且常是not do something, 或be的形,尤其是 not be done的形式。如:

  Mike's uncle insists ____ in this hotel.

  A.staying not

  B.not to stay

  C.that he would not stay

  D.that he not stay


  It is recommended that the project _____ until all the preparations have been made.

  A.is not started

  B.will not be started

  C.not be started

  D.is not to be started


  As Commander-in-Chief of the armed forces, I have directed that all measures ____ for our defense.

  A.had been taken

  B.would be taken

  C.be taken

  D.to be taken


  另外这类考题还常借助于动词本身的句法结构设干扰项。如insist后可接doing something, being done或 on doing something的结构,suggest后也可接动名词。

  注意: 如suggest, insist不表示"建议" 或"坚持要某人做某事时",即它们用于其本意"暗示、表明"、"坚持认为"时,宾语从句用陈述语气。

  (错)You pale face suggests that you (should)be ill.

  (对)Your pale face suggests that you are ill.
