Ask & Learn闻问切英语口语: My Heart Goes Out To

Ask & Learn闻问切英语口语:My Heart Goes Out To

读者 Winnie 阅读时看到下面一句:My heart goes out to the regular, law-abiding, non-tycoon, squeezed on all sides, not-immune-from-the-law Hong Kong people that just try to get by day to day. Winnie 想知道句中横线部分的短语怎么解。

我们首先解答第一个短语。 "My heart goes out to" 是一句常用的短语,后面可以加上名词或代名词,表示同情或好感。中文里说「对某人某事心有戚戚然」,大概也是这个意思。

Jimmy 为了应付考试,日以继夜的读书,虽然成绩不如理想,但其勤奋还是令人敬佩:My heart goes out to Jimmy who studied day and night for the exam. Even though he did not do too well, he deserves our respect.

Winnie 寄来的句子谈到那些普通的香港市民,他们奉公守法,也不像那些大财阀,能在法律上得到方便,当然是值得同情了。

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