Ask & Learn闻问切英语口语: There Is More to Life Than Money

Ask & Learn闻问切英语口语:There Is More to Life Than Money

读者陈小姐问:"There is more to life than money" 是什么意思?"There is more to ... than ..." 是不是跟 "the more ..., the more ... " 一样是固定句型?

There is more to A than B 可以说是一固定的句型。直译过来,就是 A 不单只是 B。言下之意,就是除了 B 以外,A 还包含其它的东西。There is more to life than money 就是指生命除了金钱以外,还有其他的考虑。


There is more to martial arts than brute strength.


There is more to love than sex.


有时为了加强语气,我们还会在 B 前面多加上 "just" 一字。因此 陈小姐的句子也可改写成 There is more to life than just money。以上的例子也可以改写成 "there is more to martial arts than just brute strength" 和 "there is more to love than just sex"。

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