Ask & Learn闻问切英语口语: Any more / Anymore

Ask & Learn闻问切英语口语:Any more / Anymore

上星期三讨论过 every day 和 everyday 的分别后,想起早前读者 Michelle 也寄电邮问 can't agree any more 和 can't agree anymore 是否相同?

习惯上,any more 和 anymore 已经通用,但严格来说,它们是有分别的。

如果把这两个字写成一个,anymore 的意思是 no longer,也就是不再,或者是到了顶点。放在上句,can't agree anymore 就是完全同意、毫无异议的意思。

把两个字分开写成 any more 的时候,more 变成是 many 或 much 的比较级(comparative degree),放在形容词和副词前面,可以强化该形容词和副词:

I used to have only a few friends, and now I have more.

If you think this watch is too cheap, I can show you a more expensive one.

Since the manager spoke to her last week, the secretary has been coming to the office more punctually.

在这种情况下, any more 其实是more 或 some more 的否定语。 例如:新年将至,商店里的红包袋都派完了,店员只好对迟来的顾客说:

Sorry, we have given them all out. We do not have any more.

这里的 any more,绝对不能写成 anymore。

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