口语交际:你过的还好么 How are you doing

A:Is this Zhang Lin's home?

B:Yes.Oh, it's you,Linda.I haven't seen you for a long time.Well, come in and sit down.How about something to drink?

A:Yes , please. I'm a little thirsty,actually.

B:Would you like tea or coffee?


B:Here you are.

A:Would you like to talk over a drink?

B:That sounds good. How are you doing,Linda?

A:Just fine.Are you busy now?

B:No.I'm just killing time.

A:Shall we visit our math teacher tomorrow?

B:Yes.I haven't been in his house for several weeks.When shall we start?

A:How about eight o'clock tomorrow morning?

B:All right. See you tomorrow.
