
A I've got to put together a sales pitch to give to our clients in the morning. You always give such amazing presentations, I was hoping you could give me some advice about how to win them over tomorrow.


B Sure, it's easy. First of all, the secret to a successful oral presentation is to keep things simple. People are listening and they usually don't have a long attention spans. Stick to about three or four points, give an overview of the points, then present them one by one, and then summarzie at the end. Be straightforward and organized and you're sure to be remembered.


A What kind of visuals should I use to support the presentation? Do you think I should use powerpoint?


B You should consider the size and interests of your audience. In other words, who is listening, and what do they want to hear… you can put together a PPT with some graphics and animations that will catch people's attention, but be careful not to go overboard.


A I think I can put something together, no problem. But when it comes to tomorrow, I'll just be a bundle of nerves! How can I get over my fear of speaking in public?


B You know, stage fright is very normal, most people get nervous before they have to speak in front of large groups. Just prepare well, rehearse beforehand, and trust that you will be great… and you will be!

