
URL中出现空格,等字符会乱码,这个是见到的一个比较不错的处理方式。调用时,把要传递的参数通过这个js方法转化一下就可以转化为%xx组成的一系列字符 服务端正常获取 有兴趣的可以试一下 ,具体代码如下:

function encodeURL(str){

var s0, i, s, u;

s0 = ""; // encoded str

for (i = 0; i < str.length; i++){ // scan the source

s = str.charAt(i);

u = str.charCodeAt(i); // get unicode of the char

if (s == " "){s0 += "+";} // SP should be converted to "+"

else {

if ( u == 0x2a || u == 0x2d || u == 0x2e || u == 0x5f || ((u >= 0x30) && (u <= 0x39)) || ((u >= 0x41) && (u <= 0x5a)) || ((u >= 0x61) && (u <= 0x7a))){ // check for escape

s0 = s0 + s; // don't escape


else { // escape

if ((u >= 0x0) && (u <= 0x7f)){ // single byte format

s = "0"+u.toString(16);

s0 += "%"+ s.substr(s.length-2);


else if (u > 0x1fffff){ // quaternary byte format (extended)

s0 += "%" + (oxf0 + ((u & 0x1c0000) >> 18)).toString(16);

s0 += "%" + (0x80 + ((u & 0x3f000) >> 12)).toString(16);

s0 += "%" + (0x80 + ((u & 0xfc0) >> 6)).toString(16);

s0 += "%" + (0x80 + (u & 0x3f)).toString(16);


else if (u > 0x7ff){ // triple byte format

s0 += "%" + (0xe0 + ((u & 0xf000) >> 12)).toString(16);

s0 += "%" + (0x80 + ((u & 0xfc0) >> 6)).toString(16);

s0 += "%" + (0x80 + (u & 0x3f)).toString(16);


else { // double byte format

s0 += "%" + (0xc0 + ((u & 0x7c0) >> 6)).toString(16);

s0 += "%" + (0x80 + (u & 0x3f)).toString(16);





return s0;




  • 报班类型
  • 姓名
  • 手机号
  • 验证码