


<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=gb2312">


<body bgcolor="#CCCCCC" text="#000000">

<h2 align="center">星河影动之查看数据库结构</h2>



on error resume next


' 获得表名.

if table<>"" then

response.write "数据表:"&table

Set primary = con.OpenSchema(adSchemaPrimaryKeys, _

Array(empty, empty, table))

if primary("COLUMN_NAME")<>"" then


end if


set primary=nothing




<table width="650" border="1" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">

<tr bgcolor="#CCCCCC">

<th class="sundog" width="61">

<div align="center">字段</div>


<th class="sundog" width="131">

<div align="center">类型</div>


<th class="sundog" width="105">

<div align="center">设定大小</div>


<th class="sundog" width="69">

<div align="center">允许空值</div>


<th class="sundog" width="69">



<th class="sundog" width="81">主键</th>


<%sql="select * from ["&table&"] "

set rs=con.execute(sql)

for i=0 to rs.fields.count-1


<tr bgcolor="#CCCCCC">

<td class="sundog" height="2" width="61">

<div align="center"><%=rs(i).name%></div>


' 字段名.


<td class="sundog" height="2" width="131">

<div align="center">



select case field_type

case adEmpty

typ = "Empty"

case adTinyInt

typ = "TinyInt"

case adSmallInt

typ = "SmallInt"

case adInteger

typ = "Integer"

case adBigInt

typ = "BigInt"

case adUnsignedTinyInt

typ = "UnsignedTinyInt"

case adUnsignedSmallInt

typ = "UnsignedSmallInt"

case adUnsignedInt

typ = "UnsignedInt"

case adUnsignedBigInt

typ = "UnsignedBigInt"

case adSingle

typ = "Single"

case adDouble

typ = "Double"

case adCurrency

typ = "Currency"

case adDecimal

typ = "Decimal"

case adNumeric

typ = "Numeric"

case adBoolean

typ = "Boolean"

case adError

typ = "Error"

case adUserDefined

typ = "UserDefined"

case adVariant

typ = "Variant"

case adIDispatch

typ = "IDispatch"

case adIUnknown

typ = "IUnknown"

case adGUID

typ = "GUID"

case adDATE

typ = "DATE"

case adDBDate

typ = "DBDate"

case adDBTime

typ = "DBTime"

case adDBTimeStamp

typ = "DBTimeStamp"

case adBStr

typ = "BStr"

case adChar

typ = "Char"

case adVarChar

typ = "VarChar"

case adLongVarChar

typ = "LongVarChar"

case adWChar

typ = "WChar"

case adVarWChar

typ = "VarWChar"

case adLongVarWChar

typ = "LongVarWChar"

case adBinary

typ = "Binary"

case adVarBinary

typ = "VarBinary"

case adLongVarBinary

typ = "LongVarBinary"

case adChapter

typ = "Chapter"

case adPropVariant

typ = "PropVariant"

case else

typ = "Unknown"


end select

response.write typ%>

' 字段类型.



<td class="sundog" height="2" width="105">

<div align="center"><%=rs(i).definedsize%></div>


' 字段长度.

<td class="sundog" height="2" width="69">

<div align="center">



if (attrib and adFldIsNullable)=0 then

response.write "No"


response.write "Yes"

end if





' 是否允许空值.

<td class="sundog" height="2" width="69">

<div align="center">

<%if rs(i).Properties("ISAUTOINCREMENT") = True then%>

<input type="checkbox" name="autoincrement" value="checkbox" checked>


<input type="checkbox" name="autoincrement" value="checkbox">

<%end if%>




' 是否为自动编号.

<td class="sundog" height="2" width="81">

<div align="center">

<%if rs(i).name=primarykey then%>

<input type="checkbox" name="primarykey" value="checkbox" checked>


<input type="checkbox" name="primarykey" value="checkbox">

<%end if%>




' 主健.


<%next %>





  • 报班类型
  • 姓名
  • 手机号
  • 验证码