



Foreign Employers Less Popular in China

The growing success of Chinese companies, contrasted with the effect that the global economic downturn had on many foreign firms, is starting to alter the attitudes of prospective Chinese employees, according to a new survey.


Big foreign companies with operations in China were once considered by many of China's most talented graduates to be better employers because they offered better compensation and opportunities for learning and growth. But the results of a survey of 200,000 Chinese college students by online employment agency ChinaHR.com listed only three non-Chinese multinational companies on a list of the top 50 employers, down from 21 last year.

Bloomberg News2009年上海某招聘会,现场水泄不通。在中国运营的大型外资公司曾经被许多最有才能的中国毕业生认为是更好的雇主,因为它们提供的薪酬更高,学习、发展的机会更好。但招聘网站中华英才网(ChinaHR.com)对20万名中国大学生进行的调查结果显示,只有三家非中资的跨国公司在排名最前的 50家雇主之列,去年为21家。

Surveys of foreign companies in China have long shown that finding and retaining qualified personnel is one of their biggest operational challenges. And the competition for talent is increasingly important as more Chinese companies are going head-to-head with foreign companies both within China's huge market and abroad. Having access to lower-cost talent has played a large role in helping Shenzhen-based Huawei transform the global telecom-equipment industry, for example, by enabling the company to offer dramatically reduced prices.


'Five or six years ago, there was a big difference' in packages offered by domestic and foreign companies, says Echo Cui, partner at recruitment firm Eiger Search. But the gap has narrowed, with some Chinese companies offering even better packages than foreign employers. And fresh graduates fear instability at foreign companies because of the changes and downsizing many underwent over the past two years, she says, adding that it is increasingly difficult for her firm to woo talent away from Chinese companies.

招聘公司Eiger Search合伙人Echo Cui说,五六年前,中资企业和外企提供的待遇差距很大,但现在差距已经缩小,部分中资公司给出的待遇甚至超过外企。另外她说,由于过去两年外企进行的改革和规模缩减,应届毕业生也担心在外企工作不稳定。而她的公司要从中资公司挖人也越来越难了。

In ChinaHR's survey, the three foreign multinationals in the top 50 ranking scored well. Notably, Google placed sixth-even with its spot last year, and just two notches behind No. 4 Microsoft, the top-ranking foreign company in the 2010 survey-despite the Internet search giant's uncertain future in China. Procter & Gamble came in at No. 8, down from second place last year.

中华英才网的调查中,排进前50名的那三家外资跨国公司位置都很靠前。其中引人注目的是,虽然谷歌(Google)在中国的前景并不明确,但这家互联网搜索巨头仍然排名第六。这同去年一样,并且比名列榜单第四名、在外企中排得最前的微软(Microsoft)仅落后两名。宝洁公司(Procter & Gamble)排在第八,不及去年的第二名。

This year's top 50 also include two of Hong Kong's top conglomerates, Hutchison Whampoa (No. 40) and Jardine Matheson (No. 46), and several companies from Taiwan, like Asustek Computer (No. 25), Cathay Financial (No. 37), Formosa Petrochemical (No. 48), and Quanta Computer (No. 49).

今年的50强还包括香港的两家知名企业集团,它们分别是排在第40位的和记黄埔(Hutchison Whampoa)和排在第46位的怡和控股(Jardine Matheson)。另外还有几家台资公司,比如华硕电脑(Asustek Computer,排名25)、国泰金控(Cathay Financial,排名37)、台塑石化(Formosa Petrochemical,排名48)和广达电脑(Quanta Computer,排名49)。

But the vast majority of companies on the list are mainland Chinese companies, including 33 state-owned enterprises. Many foreign companies that were on the list last year-such as International Business Machines, Nokia, Hewlett-Packard, PricewaterhouseCoopers, and General Electric, didn't make the cut in 2010.

但绝大多数上榜企业都是中国大陆的公司,其中包括 33家国有企业。很多去年上榜的外企在2010年“名落孙山”,其中包括国际商业机器公司(IBM)、诺基亚(Nokia)、惠普(Hewlett- Packard)、普华永道(PricewaterhouseCoopers)和通用电气(General Electric)。

'Chinese firms are growing quickly…We think that is a very good thing for society,' said Geoff Li, a spokesman for GE. 'At the same time, whether foreign or domestic, companies have to do more to communicate with today's college students and graduates to make them understand what they can achieve within our [corporate] environment.' Representatives of IBM, Nokia, H-P, and PWC didn't immediately respond to requests for comment.

通用电气发言人李国威(Geoff Li)说,中资公司正在迅速成长,我们认为这对社会来讲是一种非常好的事情;与此同时,不管是外资还是内资,企业都需要同今天的大学生和毕业生做更多的沟通,让他们明白,在我们的企业环境当中他们可以取得什么样的成绩。IBM、诺基亚、惠普和普华永道没有马上回应置评请求。

Cui, of Eiger Search, says the turmoil in the global economy in recent years has changed views of foreign companies. 'It's mostly because of the financial crisis,' she says. 'People now think [foreign companies] are not stable, and that they have more security at domestic companies.' Even though foreign companies may still offer better opportunities for training and personal development, landing a job at a company like state-owned telecom carrier China Mobile (No. 1) is seen as providing strong security and a clear path for advancement, she says.

Eiger Search的Echo Cui说,近几年全球经济的动荡已经改变了大学生对外资公司的看法。她说,这主要是由于金融危机,现在大家认为外资公司并不稳定,在国内公司工作更有安全感。她说,虽然外企提供的培训机会和个人发展机会可能仍旧更好,但如果是在国有电信运营商中国移动(排名第一)这样的公司找到一份工作,就被认为是有了坚实的保障和清晰的发展道路。

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