pick up的意义知多少

1. pick up最基本的含义是“拾起;捡起;拿起”?例如:

The Young Pioneer turned over to the police the wallet he had picked up in the street. 那位少先队员把他在街上拾到的钱包交给了警察?

Having played for a while, the boys picked up their school bags from the ground and went home. 男孩子们玩耍了一阵子之后,便从地上捡起书包回家去了?

She picked up the dictionary and began to look up the new word in it. 她拿起词典,开始查这个生词?

2. pick up有“(用车)接(某人);(中途)搭载(乘客)”之意?例如:

Wait here and I’ll pick you up at three o’clock. 在这儿等着,三点钟我用车来接你?

The bus stopped several times to pick up passengers. 汽车沿途停了好几次,让乘客上车?

3. pick up有“(无线电等)收听到;(雷达等)测知”之意?例如:

I picked up Fujian on the radio last night. 我昨天晚上收听到了福建广播电台?

An intruding enemy plane was picked up by our radar then. 当时我方雷达发现了一架入侵的敌机?

4. pick up有“意外发现;无意中学到;意外获得”之意?例如:

Looking through the evening paper last night, I picked up a beautiful poem. 昨晚在浏览晚报时,我偶然发现上面有一首好诗?

While working on the farm, the students picked up a lot of knowledge on agriculture. 在农场劳动时,学生们学到许多农业方面的知识?

Besides his regular wages, the driver picks up money in tips. 除领取正常工资外,那位司机还可以收到小费?

5. pick up有“使人精神振作;使人恢复健康”之意?例如:

A good rest picked the tired players up. 好好地休息了一下,这些疲惫的运动员们便精神振作起来?

A bit of exercise will pick the patient up. 稍微运动运动就能使这位病人恢复健康?

6. pick up有“收拾;整理”之意?例如:

Let’s pick up everything on the floor and get the room tidy before we go out. 我们出去之前,先把地板上的东西收拾干净,再把房间搞整洁?

The teacher told the students to pick up the books and the exercise books on the desks. 老师叫学生们把书桌上的课本和练习本整理好?

7. pick up有“购买;提取”之意?例如:

His wife told him to pick up some picture books for the children on his way back. 他妻子叫他在回家的路上给孩子们买几本连环画书?

He went to the left-luggage office to pick up his bags just now. 他刚才去行李寄存处取回了他的包?

8. pick up有“看到;瞥见”之意?例如:

When we picked up the pagoda in the distance, we knew we were nearing the city. 一看到远处的宝塔,我们就知道离那个城市不远了?

Upon picking up the rags, the old man couldn’t help thinking of the bitter life before liberation. 一瞥见那些破衣烂衫,老人就忍不住想起解放前的悲惨生活?

9. pick up有“(跌倒后)重新爬起来”之意?例如:

She fell on the slippery road, but quickly picked herself up. 她滑倒在路上,但马上又爬了起来?

The mother told her child who had fallen over to pick himself up. 那个母亲告诉孩子,跌倒了自己爬起来?

10. pick up有“重提(话题等);继续(谈)”之意?例如:

He picked up the story where he had left it the day before. 他接着往下讲前一天没有讲完的故事?

After the break, she picked up our conversation. 休息后她继续和我们谈话?

11. pick up有“营救;抢救”之意?例如:

Survivors of the shipwreck were picked up by small boats. 失事船上的幸存者被几艘小船救了上来?

Although the fire spread through the hospital very quickly, the firemen were able to pick up all the patients. 大火在这家医院里迅速蔓延开来,但消防队员们却成功地把所有的病人都救了出来?

12. pick up也有“逮住;抓住”之意?例如:

The fleeing culprit was picked up within twenty-four hours. 那名逃犯在二十四小时之内就被抓获了?

The thief was picked up stealing and was taken to the police station. 那个盗贼在作案时被抓住,并被带到了警察局?

13. pick up也有“闻有(味道);嗅出(气味)”的意思?例如:

While reading, she suddenly picked up something burning. 她在看书时,突然闻到有什么东西烧着了?

The hound picked up the fox’s smell and started to chase after it. 猎犬嗅出了狐狸的气味,便开始跟踪追赶?

14. pick up还有“(天气)变晴;(产量)上升;(速度)加快”之意?例如:

It looks as though the weather may pick up very soon. 看来天气很快就要变晴了?

The output picked up again in the following year. 第二年产量又上去了?

About two kilometres out of the station, the train began to pick up speed. 驶出车站大约两公里之后,火车便开始加快速度?


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