

1. 由港澳国际投资公司投资的海口电站工程因其建设速度和质量得到高度评价。

原译文:The Haikou Power Station Project invested by the Hongkong-Macau International Investment Co, Ltd. was highly appraised for its construction speed and quality.

注:投资某项工程应为invest in a project,在被动语态中不能漏去前置词in。应译为:

The Haikou Power Station Project invested in(在某些情况下可用financed or funded)by the Hongkong-Macau International Investment Co., Ltd. was highly appraised for its construction speed and quality.

2. 上海SFECO拥有5个控股子公司。

原译文:Shanghai SFECO Group has 5 share-holding companies.

注:share-holding company指控制或持有某公司股权的股东公司。上述译文意思是5个公司持有Shanghai SFECO Group的股份,换句话说,这5个公司是“老子”公司,因此显然不符合中文原意。应译为:

Shanghai SFECO Group is a holding company of 5 subsidiary companies. 或Shanghai SFECO Group holds shares of 5 subsidiary companies.

3. 中国民生银行有限公司

原译文:China Minsheng Banking Corporation, Ltd.

注:corporation本身即为有限公司,相当于limited company,英译中无需再加“Ltd”。应译为:

China Minsheng Banking Corporation

4. 项目中标之后,我们将立即开始前期准备工作。

原译文:After the bid is awarded, we shall immediately start our advance-phase preparation.

注:项目中标应为accept a bid or award the contract。显然上述译文把两种表达法相混淆了。应译为:

After the bid is accepted (or the contract is awarded), we shall immediately start our advance-phase preparation.

